
What is a legal translation?

A legal translation is a translation that has been formally verified for use in official purposes. Documents that require certified translation services might include papers that have to be submitted to an Immigration or Naturalization Department (such as birth, marriage and divorce certificates), official transcripts (such as high school certificates, university degrees and vocational training certificates), regulatory documents (such as informed consents, protocols, research data forms and case report forms), patents and many others.

مصطلحات العقد التجاري

-إنه في يوم = That on

-حُدّد هذا العقد بين كلا من= This contract between each of the


-حيث ان الطرف الثاني يعمل موزعاً =As the Second Party working distributor

ويشار إليه فيما بعد بالطرف الثاني =And hereinafter referred to as the Second Party

-وبما أن الطرف الأول صاحب الإمتياز يرغب=Since the First Party of the concessionaire wishes to

- يقر الطرف الثاني بتسلمه لعدد= The Second Party recognizes recieving a number 

- عقِد هذا الإتفاق بين الطرفين =This agreement has been concluded between the Tow Parties

-المرفق بهذا العقد تحت الاسم والعلامة التجارية الخاصتين بالطرف الأول=Annex to this contract under the brand name and private First Party

-و بناءًا على رغبة الطرفين في إيجاد علاقة عمل=Based on the desire of the Parties in finding working relationship

-بموجب هذا الإتفاقية=Under the agreement 

-بمأن العقود لا تقوم إلا على =Since the contracts are not based only on

-يقر للطرف الثاني باستلامه عدد=Recognizes the Second Party acknowledges the number of

-يقر الطرف بكامل أهليتهما القانونية للتعاقد و التصرف =The Parties recognize their qualifications full legal contract and dispose

-أسند الطرف الأول إلى الطرف الثاني =Assigned the First Party to Second Party 


-يدخل حيز التنفيذ =Inter into face


-يتعين /يتوجب= Shall =[shows ability significant